Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Free Web Hosting - Advantages vs. Disadvantages

A free hosting service is good for beginners and simple personal home pages. If you are new in websites world, you can learn a lot by hosting a free website, understand the basics of web development and web design.

Free Web Hosting Advantages
  • The big advantage of free web hosting is the zero price. There are some free web providers that will not put ads and banners on your website.

Free Web Hosting Disadvantages

  • Ads - Most free web providers impose ads/banners on your website.

  • Disk Space - Usually you will have about 250-300mb of disk space only.

  • Account Expiration - Some free web hosts will disable your account after default expiration time.

  • File Size Limitation - Usually you cannot upload/store file bigger than a half megabyte.

  • Technical Support - From my bad experience, sometimes I didn't receive any answer. So, if you have a problem ...

  • Reliability - Before you are going to open a free web host account, try to get feedback from anyone about this free provider. And my recommendation, have a backup of your website.

*These are only the main disadvantages, for my opinion.

Learn more about free web hosting and paid web hosting.

Alex Webs.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to Change phpBB Forum Index Page Title

It is pretty easy to change 'Index Page' title in phpBB2 and phpBB3 forum.
Before editing any of your files, ensure you make backup copies!

Change 'Index Page' title in phpBB3:
1. Edit \language\en\common.php
2. Look for: 'INDEX' => 'Index page',
3. Change 'Index page' to your title.

Change 'Index Page' title in phpBB2:
1. Edit \language\lang_english\lang_main.php
2. Look for: $lang['Index'] = 'Index';
3. Change 'Index page' to your title, for example: $lang['Index'] = 'My Website Adviser Blog';

* It is recommended to edit these files with web editor. Get Free Web Editor.

My Website Adviser.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How to Conduct Domain Name Search

Author: Max Domainer

Creating a website is not just about creating your pages, designing them and including all the important information. It is also about creating a domain name.

* That relates to your products and service.

* That is easy to remember and spell for your customers.

A domain name that is easy to remember will have more return customers and more word of mouth advertising than domain names which are hard to spell, remember, or both. When it comes to searching for a domain name, all you have to do is go online and search for ones that you are interested in to see if they have been taken or not. There are a lot of sites that will let you search domain names.

First of all, prepare a list of domains you would like to register. Try to get several combinations, don't register the first one you can think of. You need at least 10-20 versions.

If your site doesn't necessarily need to be international, then you also consider buying a domain for your own country instead of .com - .de for Germany (Deutschland), or a co.uk for the UK, for example.

Stick with a .com, don't opt for .tv, .biz, or any other suffix if at all possible especially if that exact domain name is taken as a com. You will end up losing business to that site.

Now submit a list of domains to some site to search for the available domain names.

If you are lucky, some domains are available. Register them and don't wait until them get someone else.

Don't set your mind on one particular domain name. Also remember that there are niches where every two dictionary words names are already taken. You may need a patience to find the available and good one.

Try to find synonyms for keywords you use, or try to remove some letters. For example, madconomist.com instead of madeconomist.

There is a way to simplify domain name selection - use software! Powerful software, such as Available Domains Pro can generate thousand of valuable domain names in a few minutes. It can be easily customized to fit your needs. Try this one and you won't regret.

Article Source.

About the Author:
Author is a successful domain trader, a pro in Domain Name game.

Read how to Register a Domain Name.