You're probably interesting in detailed web statics of your Coppermine gallery, what is the most popular section of your gallery, where the main traffic comes from, what's the average time visit and much more.
You can accomplish this goal, by adding web statistic code to your gallery.
How can I add web statistic code to my Coppermine gallery ?
First, you must register an account in one of web analytics systems, for example Google Analytics.
Second, before you are going to change any file, be sure to backup it.
The last step is to insert tracking code at the end of template.html located at "GALLERY_ROOT_FOLDER\themes\THEME_NAME" before </body> tag.
If you are using more than one theme, repeat the last step on other themes folders.
You can get separate web statistics for each theme by adding different tracking code to each template.html.
See Also:
Learn how to Create a Web Gallery.
Introduction to Free Web Hosting.
Alex Webs.